Workshop Angel needed for 20th August Workshop

A Workshop Angel is someone who helps with hosting the workshop - no quilting or teaching skills required!!

Workshop hosting duties:

• open up the venue on the day (keys required) • set up the tables and chairs, lights, fans, irons and boards, power cords etc (encourage attendees to help set up and take down) • set up refreshments in the kitchen (bring the milk) • assist the workshop tutor with set up • take register of attendees • explain safety rules and housekeeping for the day (toilets, fire exits etc) • assist the tutor throughout the day as required • assist attendees as required • take some photos and write a brief summary for the blog • check windows closed, blinds down and hot water heater turned off and unplugged • clean and secure venue at the end of the day (APCH has a list of requirements on site to follow).

An induction will occur prior to the day, and or the Angel will be supported on the first workshop.

The Angel would not take part in the workshop as an attendee.

Angels have input into setting the calendar of workshops each year.

Interested, email WAQA workshop convenor at

WorkshopsWAQA blog