Come Along to QuiltWest 2023

The past two days have been just buzzing, with so many people heading to the Claremont Showgrounds to view the fabulous display of amazing quilts from so many WAQA members. Over 170 quilts are on display with such a variety of colours, styles, designs and techniques, that most people are having quite a lot of trouble choosing their favourite for the Visitor’s Choice or Member’s Choice. There are plenty of members with white gloves wandering around that can give you a very close look at the workmanship of any quilt that catches your eye.

Plus on the surrounding walls are quilts on display from the Pathfinder’s Group, the Stitches ‘n’ Rippers, the WAQA Challenge and a collection of Rajah quilts.

In addition there are displays from a number of WAQA Special Interest groups that are also worth viewing. There have been many visitors stopping to ask questions and checking out the work done by the groups. I imagine there may be some new people turning up at future meetings of some of these groups.

The event continues today and tomorrow from 9:30am to 4pm with information and tickets available from CraftAlive Perth 2023.

QuiltWestWAQA blog