Show N Tell

It seems to me that whenever a group of quilters gather, there is always “Show n Tell”, and I really love this wonderful time.

Show n Tell can be quite formal as at Sewing Day and Night, where the quilts are shown up on stage by members of the quilting group on duty at that meeting (or other attendees when needed). Quilters who have their work “shown” are encouraged to ‘tell’ the story of the quilt. This adds to the pleasure of seeing the work on display. The variety of items displayed is always impressive, and it is wonderful to see what other quilters can do.

Show n Tell can also be quite informal, especially in the smaller groups, where a member chooses to ‘show’ their quilt to another member in their group and everyone gathers to take a closer look, and discuss the process of the quilt being put together.

I’m looking forward to seeing the next ‘Show n Tell’ whenever and wherever it occurs.

GroupsWAQA blog