Members Bazaar Success for Community Quilts

This month’s Sewing Meetings had record numbers of members in attendance, with the night meeting occurring the week before the day meeting. In addition to the normal activities of Pop-Ups, a BOM demonstration, Show and Tell, plus access to the library, there was the Members’ Bazaar with lots of items for sale by a number of WAQA members.

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Community Quilts also had a sales area with boxes of quilting fabric, sewing fabric, craft notions, and other items that had been donated to Community Quilts over the past few months. Some WAQA members found just what they needed to add to their stash, whilst others found a new project to undertake. A big thank you to the ladies that helped with weighing the fabric, accepting offers on items, and taking the cash.

Over $1400 was raised through the generosity of members in attendance, which will go a long way to purchasing wadding needed for making up more quilts. We currently have 45 quilt packs (top, backing, wadding and binding) ready for people to take away to quilt, so if you are interested in helping please stop by the Community Quilts table at the sewing meetings or email

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Cute as!!

Lesley Warren picked up a UFO at the Bazaar on Sewing Day and finished it the next day whilst on retreat.